What GESEK works for


GESEK is a collaboration platform involving both public and private interests. We actively support the green transformation of the energy sector from our base in Southern Jutland, but with a national and international perspective. Out work is divided into four general objectives.


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The green transformation of the energy sector is not a random project. The vast majority of the solutions we will use have already been developed and are already based on known technology. However, scaling and further developing the solutions bring challenges. For example, we know how to turn electricity from renewable energy sources into hydrogen, methanol and other gases and fuels, but we do not have have the experience in doing it on such a large scale that it can make a difference on a societal level.
Therefore, GESEK supports innovation and development projects where we can test technologies on a larger and larger scale and combine them to create better solutions.
At the same time it is an important ambition to gather experiences and help share and disseminate them, so that we create clear and safe ‘motorways’ of knowledge as a basis for the green transition rather than a complicated and manageable network of small roads that lead in all directions.

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Without the right hands and heads, there will be no green transformation of the energy sector. Therefore, GESEK works purposefully to ensure that the energy sector is also an attractive career path for unskilled, skilled and academic employees in the future.
Under the motto ‘Part of a Bright Future’, we work together to mobilise the workforce in Southern Jutland through four focus areas:

  • Relevant green education and increased enrolment in the region’s higher education
  • Strengthening enrolment in vocational education
  • Upskill companies’ workforce in relation to green skills
  • Attracting international labour and developing a shared brand platform named ‘Part of a Bright Future’

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It is central in the further development of the Southern Jutlandic lighthouse that the region’s energy activities are developed, designed, and utilised as an international showcase for a collaborative and integrated approach to the green transition. Examples already exist and a definite revolution is on the way in the coming years in the form of large investments in renewable energy, Power to X facilities and sector coupling initiatives.
An important role for GESEK will be to simultaneously communicate and disseminate the development activities in Southern Jutland and support delegation visits, conferences, and publicity, so that Southern Jutland positions itself firmly on the European and global map as a powerhouse for an effective green transformation of the energy sector.

En vigtig rolle for GESEK bliver sideløbende at kommunikere og formidle de sydjyske udviklingsaktiviteter og understøtte delegationsbesøg, konferencer og omtale, så Sydjylland for alvor kommer på det europæiske og globale landkort som kraftcenter for en effektiv grøn omstilling af energisektoren.

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All change starts as a mind experiment. That is why dissemination, dialogue and communication are keywords for a successful green transition – and in the accomplishments of GESEK.
An important and concrete task in this connection is to ensure that frameworks and rules correspond to the reality that the integrated energy system of the future represents. In the past, energy supply was regulated by defined sector laws, but now focus is on breaking down silos and thinking in terms of integration. GESEK works purposefully to identify rules and frameworks that are past their expiry date and seeks visionary solutions for rules and frameworks in collaboration with companies’ and authorities’ experts.
At the same time, GESEK has the ambition to be a mediator towards the general public and to involve itself in the dialogue about the questions that will naturally arise in the face of new ways of organising daily life and local environment as new energy technologies gain traction.